I don't know where the time is going to at the moment. There is so much going on in my life that I haven't posted here for ages.
WORK - my contract at school finishes at the end of July so I have had to reapply for a job as a teaching assistant again. It will be for 30 hours instead of 15 hours this time hopefully. I found out today that I was shortlisted and my interview will be next Wednesday. My hubby said about going in to school smart that day but I don't think there is much point. After all I am there at the moment and they either know what I am like by now or they don't!!
CHILDREN - Rachael is enjoying being on her insulin pump still although for about the last week or so we have had realy erratic readings due to her having a cold. One minute she is sky high and the next she is mega low. It feels a bit like being on a roller coaster at the moment!
Luke is just plodding along as always. He seems to have become super sensible since he turned 7, will it last?
CROSS STITCHING - has rather taken a back seat lately what with filling in application forms for my job. They are rather long winded forms that take about 2 or 3 evenings to complete satisfactorily. I have only stitched the last 2 nights as it was about 3 and a half weeks since I had picked up my needle! I managed to complete part 4 of "How does your garden grow?" so that was good.

That is it for stitching this month though! I didn't even join in the crossstitchcrazy stitchathon this month.
OPEN UNIVERSITY - I started my course at the beginning of June. I am doing "Starting with Maths" which is one of the Openings courses which are designed to ease you into that level of study. I am finding it quite easy and have nearly finished my first assignment. There are 2 Tutor marked assignments and an end of course assignment to pass the course. It should take 20 weeks to complete but I am hoping to have it finished a bit quicker than that.
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