So first up we have an autumn flowering crocus - flowering period late October/November.
Then we have a fuchsia - flowering period late June/July/August/early September so long as you keep on top of the dead heading.
A different fuchsia - flowering period July/August/September
Hollyhock - flowering period July/August
Hydrangea - flowering period late June through to mid September if nice weather.
My favourite bi-colour rose - flowering period June with a second period in September if nice weather for a few weeks.
And finally...a spring crocus - flowering period late January/February if the weather is right.
Seriously what on earth is going on? It's November for crying out loud!! These poor plants don't know if they are coming or going.
Today I chose to stitch on Cinderella but haven't made a lot of progress. I will take some photos of this week's stitching tomorrow to show you.
Shirlee asked if I would post the recipe for Luke's soup. I have asked Luke if he will do a blog post for me with the recipe so standby for that. He isn't the world's best speller but as it's his post I won't correct his spelling for him so bear with it!!
Are you guys having really warm weather? The flowers are all so pretty.
My garden is all confused too.
Gorgeous flowers Sharon. My flowers are also confused and still blooming. We are suppose to have a hard freeze tonight, so I figure we will probably lose quite a few. Its okay though, cause its almost time to start putting up christmas decorations outside, but its hard when most all the flowers are still blooming. Your sons soup looks yummy.
My garden is the same too! The fuschia is still flowering, as well as a rose tree & the hydrangea.. although they kind of lost their deep colours!!! Amazing... Mr Frost will be coming soon & they will go to sleep until next year :D Can't wait to read the soup recipe, yum!
Oh hooray! So glad Luke will be sharing his soup recipe : ) Our gardens are doing the same thing here & I agree ... what on earth is going on?
I loved seeing your plants that are blooming right now, instead of the usual season. We noticed Japanese windflowers out at the weekend, in this neck of the woods, NZ, & they usually appear in Autumn.
I'm also blown away by your completed stitching, so far this year. Well done! I'm such a slow stitcher, this year I've mainly finished a quilt, hand quilting it, so not much cross stitch completed.
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