Monday, 30 January 2023

One of my New Year's resolutions was to get back into blogging about my cross stitch.  I thought I would start with a review of what I finished last year.

This was the year of knocking out some long standing WIPs for a finish, even if they were small.

I'm not sure about order of things or dates but this year I completed:

  1. The Way to Happiness
  2. Hallowe'en SAL 2020
  3. She Sells Seashells
  4. Witchful Thinking
  5. Happy Hallowe'en
  6. 5 of the 6 Fat Men designs
  7. Christmas SAL 2015
  8. ...and I can't remember what the last one was but I know there were 12 altogether!!

I can't find the Advent SAL 2015 to take a photo of.

So let's see how long this resolution thing lasts for!!

1 comment:

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Lovely to see a post from you again! Love the Stitchonomy Halloween sampler. Did you start this year’s?
Do you know what would help with the record keeping? A blog!!