Tuesday 26 August 2014

Stitch from Stash - August

From a stitching point of view, it has been a very good month.  Sadly from a Stitch from Stash point of view it wasn't a great month, even with the bonus Mel was kind enough to give us.  So here is what I have been buying...

First up was this sampler book which has a gorgeous stitching/sewing sampler on the front but has another 14 too.  The motifs would be lovely for smalls stitching.  

Then there was a piece of black aida for some halloween stitching.

I went mad and bought a piece of pale blue evenweave to restart cat's alphabet on too.

The next thing(s) won't count as it is some replacement 'bits' for my Q Snaps.  2 of my old ones were very loose so I thought it would be money well spent.

Whilst I was looking for the Q Snap bits, I stumbled across the chart section (how did that happen?) and saw this little cutie.  

I also ordered some threads and ric rac from Nancy at the Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe.  The pumpkin on the right is/was intended to use for StitchersAnon's Halloween SAL possibly on black fabric. The jury is still out on this one as I have also ordered some Pumpkin Patch from Sparklies which hasn't arrived as yet.  The left is Antique Plum Perfect.  Neither of them look anything like the colours they are in real life.  The ric rac was just a 10 yard mix that she had, I'm sure they will come in useful. 

And finally...I managed to pick up a finished with kit of the Cut Thru Caravan off a lady who had stitched it on facebook.  There is actually quite a lot of thread still left but I am going to work out the DMC ones that are needed. 

So that completes my round up of the month!  The tally is...
Sparklies order that has yet to arrive - £15.00
Sampler Book - £12.99
Aida - £6.50
Evenweave - £6.50
Chart - £3.16
Ric rac and thread - £13.00
Caravan chart - £6.00

So the grand total for the month is £63.15...oops!


Anonymous said...


What gorgeous stash, well worth going over budget for!

Annie said...

Well, you got a lot of nice things for your money. Aren't rules made to be broken?

Anonymous said...

great stash

Tricia said...

Looks like a fun month! Now you'll have it out of your system and you can concentrate on stitching all your new things for the rest of the year, right?? : )

Anonymous said...

Money well spent! Great new stash...enjoy!

Linda said...

Love all your new stash Sharon.


StitchyDon said...

Lovely stash though !!!!

Katie said...

I agree with everyone else so far. Money well spent on your new beautiful stash. Love the Bothy piece. I have one in my WIP pile and 2 in my to do pile. I just need to find 1 more to make my life complete haha but I haven't found it yet. Anyway enjoy your new stash!

Mii Stitch said...

Great new stash :)

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

My stash gives me endless hours of delight--each time I visit "the stash" I rediscover a forgotten treasure

Caitlin @ Naughts Cross Stitches said...

gorgeous stitching :D

Sally said...

Oooh lots of lovely new stash to drool over! Love the colours of the Victorian Motto threads.

Karoline said...

Nice new stash :)

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

ooops! Never mind you can diet next month and watch me spend because it is my Birthday month LOL.

Surely basic black fabric is like an essential thing anyway?

Annette-California said...

Very pretty new stash! Beautiful threads from VMS. love Annette