Rachel from
What looks like Crazy on an ordinary day posted about the cross stitch tag which she had stolen from YouTube. She posted a set of questions for people to answer. I thought this might be fun as my more recent followers may not know some of these, indeed some long time followers probably won't know some of them! Here you go...
Q1 - How did you start? Who introduced you to cross stitching?
EVERYONE must already know the answer to this! I started back in 1995 with a little card kit picked up from a cake decorating shop that I walked past every day on my way to and from work. I had been going out with Colin for nearly a year and it was our first Valentine's Day together. I wanted to get him something different and saw the cards in the window as I passed. I even personalised it by stitching our initials in the middle and looking at it, think I did a good job for a first timer who only read through the instructions once and had no-one to help her! Actually, looking at it close up, it even looks like all my stitches go the same way!
However, prior to this, I can vaguely remember making a needlebook at my first primary school which I left at the age of 8. This was on dark blue binca and we did lots of different stitches, although one was cross stitch so this must count! I bet my mum will still have it somewhere...lol.
Q2 - Favourite theme or designer
Well that is a hard one! There are so many things that I like stitching. I suppose Joan Elliott and Nora Corbett are obvious favourites going off how many of their designs I have. A recent favourite has to be Gaynor of StitchersAnon. Her charts are so clear and easy to stitch and Gaynor herself is helpful, easy to talk to and donates some part of her proceeds to cancer charities to help find a cure sooner. I also like JBW designs for a quick stitch...oh and loads of others too.
I don't think I have a theme I particularly like. I do seem to have a few fantasy figures going on at the moment so maybe that is my 'thing'. See my WIP/UFO pages to see if you can find any other themes...lol.
Q3 - What brand of floss do you use?
My regular floss is DMC over all others but I do have a fair few WDW, GAST and some silks for specific projects. I would love to be able to afford to stitch with nothing but silk after discovering how beautiful they are to stitch with recently. I am fortunate enough to have a full set of DMC courtesy of magazine trading a few years ago and a full set of Six Stranded Sweets.
Q4 - What is your fabric of choice?
Hey, an easy one! I love 28ct jobelan above all others but do sometimes enjoy the ease of stitching on 14ct aida so that I don't have to concentrate so hard.
Q5 - Do you use a needle threader or are you a floss licker?
Another easy one! Floss licker all the way.
Q6 - What brand of stitching frame (or hoop or otherwise holder) do you use?
Hmm...generally I like to stitch in hand but recently I have gone back to using a Q Snap again. I bought myself a new one and it holds the fabric so much tauter than my old one did. I would like to get my scroll frame and stand out and use again as I can stitch so much quicker on that.
Q7 - How many projects have you finished?
D'you know, I have never added it up before! Wow...after a quick add up...172.
Q8 - How many completed works are hanging in your house?
Not many! There is Papillon Creations 'How does your Garden Grow' and John Clayton's 'Sunday Cricket' in the lounge. On the stairs is Luke's mini design and Bothy Threads 'Garden Shed' is at the top of the stairs. There are 3 in the kitchen and that is it. I have a big box of designs waiting for me to do something with them though.
Q9 - Do you stitch for gifts or for yourself?
Usually, the pieces I am stitching for gifts actually get finished. That said, as already mentioned I have a box of things to finish. So I suppose really it is a bit of both.
Q10 - Favourite finished cross stitch piece
Without a doubt that has to be either Bothy Threads Cut Thru Garden Shed or Nora Corbett's Trick or Treat Fairy. Both pieces were so enjoyable to stitch and I love them both.
Q11 - Worst experience whilst stitching?
I was in the process of stitching the borders for a 12 person RR. Luke decided to play with some scissors and my fabric one morning before I got up, not sure what Colin was doing at this point! Luke cut several big slashes in the fabric. I was not impressed but he was only 3 or 4 years old. The RR was clearly jinxed as it was sent out once the borders were restitched and the RR fell apart after only 4 rounds. I was one of the lucky ones who got theirs back. It was sent out again as a 4 person RR and only 2 people stitched on it before it came back to me. The third time it went out, it got stolen. Clearly this was never meant to be!
Q12 - What do you love and hate about cross stitch?
I love the therapeutic feel of stitching and how it can calm me after a grotty day. I love how many online friends I have made that I wouldn't have done without cross stitch and the sense of community there is with bloggers and other groups.
I hate the fact that I sometimes can't count to 2 or 3 and end up frogging! I also hate having to go and find the threads for projects or deciding whether a design will look good on a different fabric. I also hate the endless rows about copyright - it isn't that complicated but some people still don't get it!
Q13 - Have you introduced anyone else to cross stitching?
Yes! Just my daughter though.
Q14 - The first project, did you finish it?
Yes! See question 1 for more details.
Q15 - How do you store your floss?
My DMC is all on stitchbows in boxes. Six Stranded Sweets are all bobbinated in a box. WDW/GAST/CC are all in one of those mini drawer tower thingies. The silks are bobbinated (I love that word!) in a box with the projects they are for. Everything else that I have are in plastic wallets in a ring binder.
If you decide to answer them too, let me know. I love getting to find out more about my favourite bloggers.