Monday 5 May 2014

Stitching progress, giveaway and flowers

I'm afraid the title of this post is a 'does what it says on the tine' type title.  I couldn't think of what else to call it!

This is where I have got to now with Gardens of London.  I am absolutely loving it and don't really want to put it down.  It really isn't conducive to writing an essay.

I was also lucky enough to win a chart in a giveaway too.  Nancy at Pickle Barrel Designs had one recently and gave a choice of three charts to win.  I loved 2 of them in particular and said she could choose to send whichever she preferred of them.  Nancy picked the one below.  It's a cute design and great sentiments to live by!  Thank you Nancy :)

Lastly, I thought I would share a few photos of our garden with you.  Well, more a few photos of my favourite tulips at the moment!  They probably all have names but in our house they are just known by their distinguishing features.  So you have the pink, tatty one, the blushing yellow, the pointy one, the white one and the pink and orange one - no marks for originality in naming them!


Chris said...

Your tulips are lovely!
Your stitching is so pretty too, lovely colors,I can see why you don't want to put it down.
Congratulations on your giveaway win.

blue star stitcher said...

Your tulips are beautiful, so many different colors.

CJ said...

Lovely flowers, congrats on your new pattern and I love the London Garden.


Anonymous said...

great stitching, and beautiful tulips

Brigitte said...

They are so great, your tulips, I'd love to have some in my garden, too, but they don't grow easily here. So I'm happy with other flowers :)
Very nice progress on your project.

Poppypatchwork said...

Love your tulips and your names for them.

Linda said...

Nice progress Sharon. Great chart. They are always better when you win them. Your tulips are really pretty.


Annette-California said...

Fantastic beautiful progress on your Gardens of London! WOW!
Congrats on your win. Very beautiful tulips. I love the ones of pink, red and orange blending of colors.
love Annette

Melissa said...

Great progress on Gardens of London! Your tulips are beautiful :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the win! What beautiful wonderful colours!

Mii Stitch said...

Beautiful stitching & fabulous tulips! Congratulations for winning this lovely chart too :)

Shirlee said...

Lovely stitching & tulips : )

Von said...

I love your tulips! Mine are gone now and I hope to put more in this fall. I'd like to plant some early and late blooming varieties to extend the season. :)

CalamityJr said...

Ooh - the "orange and pink one" would make a gorgeous overdyed fiber! Think you could create it? :)

Great progress on Gardens of London. It's going to be an awesome finish.

Andrea said...

Wonderful stitching progress. Your tulips are beautiful.

Jo who can't think of a clever nickname said...

Gardens of London is looking great, I can see why you love stitching it.

I can't grow tulips, the deer eat them. They don't seem to bother about the daffodils though.

Kaisievic said...

Beautiful tulips, great stitching and congrats on your win.

Karoline said...

Great progress on Gardens of London, it's looking lovely

Your tulips are gorgeous

Meari said...

Lovely flowers. It's so nice to finally have warm weather.

Dani - tkdchick said...

I think I'm going to enjoy watching you stitch Gardens of London

Anne said...

Lovely progress on Gardens of London. Great giveaway win from Nancy! The tulips here are all finished so it's nice to see them blooming somewhere else. Such beautiful varieties!

Stitching Noni said...

Gardens of London looks amazing.... No wonder you don't want to put it down!!!
I won the same design from Nancy :)
Hugs x