Having not done a lot of stitching lasy year really, well certainly the latter half of the year, I intend to get back to it. I was going to carry on with the tapering rotation but have decided to go through my stash - honestly and with the critical eye. Whilst doing this I ended up with several boxes - the 'yes I still want to stitch this as some point in my life' box, the 'eurghhh, why did I ever buy/start that' box, the 'oooh yes, I love that' box, 'hmmmm, don't know' box and the 'why the hell is that still not finished?' box. I have listed a whole load of stuff on ebay and made a few pennies from it and re-arranged everything so I know where to find it, with the exception being a few
WIP/UFOs that I can't find where I put them!
So the box I am currently working with is actually a partial amalgamation of 2 boxes. I have the 'why is that not finished' box and a few from the 'oooh yes, I love that' box. These have become my Focus for 2018 box. I think there were 25 pieces on there, which makes it just less than a third of my entire currently started list. I can already claim a finish from the WTHITSNF box with Strawberry Scissor Case by Lizzie Kate being finished after about 10 years!!! Is that some kind of appalling record for a very small Lizzie Kate design?
Lizzie Kate Strawberry Scissor Case |
There's been a lot of changes in the last few months - Rachael's gone off to university to study biology. She didn't get the grades for Lancaster in the end so had to go through clearing. After a scary week of visiting unis that we had never even considered before, she settled on Keele and has been loving it ever since. She has made loads of friends and seems to be enjoying the course very much.
Luke has college now and is studying psychology, geography and sociology. He had a bit of a blip a few weeks ago and was skiving but is back on track now and working hard.
I'm just carrying on - work, home, archery, church (not always in the same order!) That's it with me really!
I know a lot of people seem to have given up on blogging for other platforms but I haven't really found any that I like as much as blogging. So I do read facebook, but didn't get on with Instagram and others. I have started watching a bit of flosstube and have found a few bloggers I have followed are on there. Of course I have to be able to get the TV first! It's not the same watching it on the laptop.
So anyway, hopefully I will get a bit more blogging done as well as stitching this year!